I love new beginnings. I love (and hate) the uncertainty of what's ahead. It's makes me feel like everyday living is risk-taking and it gives my heart and the butterflies in my tummy an added workout.
My life has definitely changed significantly in the last year in ways that I could never have imagined. Josh and I got married last July, we purchased a home, bought a puppy, and learned we are expecting. Big things! See what I mean about uncertainty? Scary, but at the same time it gives me an adrenaline and scares the heck out of me. Getting married? Eh, the day of, piece of cake (no pun intended); the journey of, fun, exciting, scary, and a mystery. Buying a house? Duh, it means sleepovers every night with my husband, having people over without curfews, and no money to "just walk around" Target. Buying a puppy means poopy floors and chewed up tupperware. Learning that we are expecting, though has been probably the biggest, scariest, most joy-filled time of my life, thus far. I have no doubt that Josh and I are going to be the best parents that we can possibly be and I'm looking forward to what the future brings with our new life. :)
This blog is going to capture the journey ahead: the good, the bad, the uncertain, scary, joy-filled moments that I plan to treasure and reflect back on one day.