Monday, October 29, 2012

26 weeks

Yesterday my bump turned 26 weeks!  This is the last week of my second trimester, so I'm going to enjoy it!  :)  I hear it only gets worse from here on out . . . yikes!  But, in the end, I'll have my baby to celebrate! :)

Today, Josh and I had to go buy me a new jacket and workout shirts because this little mama cannot stay warm or workout with what I have!  I was pretty excited because I thought I'd be walking around with a stiff-looking pea coat that just isn't me, but the store had heavier sweater-feeling jackets, so I got one of those!  Then, I scored some workout shirts on clearance; I'm just hoping they'll fit me long enough (no pun intended)!  I'm actually getting tired of growing out of my clothes.  My shirts are becoming too tight and too short.  My pants aren't liking the size of my butt, and the paneling on the pants is getting uncomfortable, but after spending so much money on clothing that I can't wear after baby, I find it hard to justify spending so much money on it all!  

Speaking of clothes getting too tight, I really need to chill out on giving into my cravings.  I think third trimester is going to bring a huge, ginormous, ugly sweet tooth.  I cannot and I do mean cannot turn down sweets right now.  Psh even at the chiropractor this morning, he had a bowl of candy and I took 2 tootsie rolls and I don't even like those! 
(Oooo I just got an idea . . . I think this week I am going to go on a sugar fast.  YES!  Brilliant.  I'm going to fool the OB at my glucose screening.  And maybe the scale might adjust a little, too.  Sweet, so from this point on, no sugar until next Monday.  You're my witness, kay?)  I'll let you know how that goes next update! ;)

Changes that this week has brought on:
  • Baby hasn't been as active.  I'm thinking maybe a growth spurt?  I'm definitely feeling the 10 kicks/2 hours, but usually she's a lot more active than that.  
  • My hips are becoming more and more painful.  I've been asking Josh if we can get one of those little hand-held massagers (that look like a brush, but with nubs instead), but the places we've checked don't have any and I keep forgetting to check more places.  That's my goal this week.  It is sooo painful sleeping on my sides.
  • I thought that maybe I was beginning to feel Braxton Hicks contractions more often, but I think she's just pushing closer to the front of the uterus, rather than behind.  
  • My bladder will not empty completely!!  As soon as I leave the bathroom, I have to turn back around and do it all over again!  I think that it's because she's on my bladder, so it's not allowing it to empty.  I've tried it all, the rocking back and forth, totally relaxing my muscles, etc., but I guess she just wants her pillow!
  • I'm going to start wearing "Udder Covers."  I'm sure no other explanation is needed.  Baby girl is definitely not going to be malnourished, that's for sure! ;)
As I mentioned, next Monday is my glucose screening, so I will post about that appointment like it's the 27th week (even though it will be the first day of week 28).  Not going to lie, I'm scared to get on the scale!  All I have to say is that I'm glad I lost 30 pounds before getting pregnant.  Yikes!  

Well, here's to the end of second trimester!  Can't believe how fast time is flying!

Friday, October 26, 2012

through 25 weeks

I've really wanted to be able to document my pregnancy week-by-week because I think it would be interesting to go back in the future and compare!  Obviously, this blog is just getting rolling, so I am just going to recap what I remember so far. :)  This is going to be a longer post since there's lots of catching up to do!

First Trimester:  Well, we found out that we were pregnant on May 30.  I thought that I was 8 weeks at that point, but after going to the doctor to get everything confirmed, I was only 5 weeks, 5 days (according to LMP and HCG levels).  Ah!  I thought I was going to get 3 weeks for "free!"
 I was like oh yeah, I'm feeling great!  No morning sickness, etc.  The day that I turned 6 weeks, I woke up feeling like crap.  I remember telling Josh that I didn't think I would be able to make it to Church that morning because I literally felt like throwing up.  I muscled through it, got ready, even curled my hair, but just ended up crying (maybe that was a sign there!) that I wasn't going to make it through without throwing up.  Aaand later that day, of course I got sick.  And it lasted the whole day.  The next day, I woke up sick, went into work and was unable to keep anything down.  I had to call my boss (Krissy) because I felt sooo horrible and couldn't stay out of the bathroom.  But on top of that, I felt horrible that I called her to come in because it wasn't like there was going to be an end to this.  I just need to learn how to cope with this new-found problem of mine.  When she got there, I whispered to her there's actually a reason for this.  I had to tell her.  How in the heck was I going to have "food poisoning" for weeks upon weeks.  Plus she's the one person that I wanted to tell (I call her my BFF).  And it's a good thing I did because I woke up Tuesday feeling even worse than the day before!  I swore that I had to have been dehydrated or something more serious was involved.  I couldn't keep a single drop of water down.  I tried everything from ginger ale, to crackers, to ice cubes.  Nothing.  So I called my OB and she prescribed me a medication that was supposedly going to help.  Thank the Lord that it actually did!
The next week, I was able to get in for an ultrasound to make sure things were looking good (and boy, did I know they were!  This little kidney bean was killin' mama!).  She was measuring to the day.  At that point, I was 6 weeks, 6 days.  We weren't able to hear the heartbeat since it was still too early, but we were able to see the itty bitty thing beating away.  What an amazing feeling!  The next day, we told his family.  We brought the images and were waiting for that perfect moment to share.  While we were all sitting outside after giving dad his Father's Day gift, we ran in the house, grabbed the images and handed one to each his mom and dad.  All his mom could say was, "what is this?!  What is this?!"  She had been very patiently waiting on grandbabies since the honeymoon, so I knew she wouldn't be able to contain herself.  When she realized that was her little grandbaby in there, she jumped from her chair and ran around the backyard yelling "my grandbaby!! My grandbaby!!" with tears streaming down her face.  It was definitely a priceless moment.

Fast forward to the rest of the first trimester and the only way to sum it up was morning sickness (lost 5 pounds), major fatigue, and an "off" feeling.  I remember fearing that this baby would steal Josh from me, that I wouldn't be able to love it enough, I wouldn't be a good enough mom to her, etc.  Krissy kept reminding me "you're pregnant, your hormones are out of whack, don't trust how you feel."  And honestly that was a very helpful piece of advice!
Oh, and cravings!  I would say that the first trimester, I craved popsicles and ice cubes.  Yum!!

Second Trimester:  Of course, I'm on the tail-end of this one now!  So crazy!  This is when I began feeling pregnant.  The stomach became bloated (and eventually nice and round!) and my bras became more snug.  Josh bought me a fetal doppler to use at home and rid of any worries that I had (from reading too many forums!).  I listened to her heartbeat every night.  It seemed to stay around 152-145.  I began feeling her move at 16 weeks and would describe the movements as swishing; not necessarily the feeling of popcorn popping or butterflies, though I was still unsure if that's what I was feeling.  At 20 weeks is when we found out that we were having a little girl! :)  The ultrasound pictures from that appointment made me the happiest!  They were so very clear and she looked absolutely perfect.
I still have morning sickness.  Crazy, I know.  I have also began having major indigestion.  I stopped taking Tums because I hear so much calcium increases your risk in kidney stones (I was taking the max. amount in 24 hours and they only worked for like 10 minutes) and I am NOT wanting to deal with that while pregnant! I splurged and bought some low dose Zantac that has worked like a charm. :)  Fortunately, I do not have to take this every day.  So far, I am up 11 pounds from my base weight and don't have stretch marks yet (YES!).  A friend of mine suggested this little concoction of Palmer's cocoa butter and Gold Bond ultimate healing, which I have been using about twice a day.  Hopefully it continues to help!  As far as her kicking, she is one active little girl but I think she may be a shy one.  Every. Single. Time I touch or look at my belly when she moves, she stops.  She is most active at about 5 a.m., after meals, and about 9:00 p.m.  I noticed today that she is also beginning to make her way near my ribs.  She's still about half an inch away, so I'm guessing in the next week or so, I'll have toes sticking between them!  I wouldn't trade any of this for the world, though.  I absolutely LOVE being pregnant!  The only complaint I have is not being able to sleep on my back and how difficult it is to wrestle with an army of pillows when I want to switch sides at night.  Not to mention the every-2-hour bathroom trip.
Next weekend I go in for my 27 week appointment and this is also when I'll be doing the glucose test.  I know that this is optional, but because this is my first pregnancy, I am opting in because I want to make sure that my pregnant body is responding to sugar the way that it is supposed to.  If I pass, I plan to opt out in the future.  Beginning this weekend, I am going to do weekly posts about what has been going on with me and the little one (oh, and a picture, too!).
I have attached several photos.  They are only bi-weekly because I didn't really think it was too necessary to do every single week until I got a little bigger . . . like now! :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

girls and His plan

Before going into the appointment and finding out the gender of baby, I swore up and down I didn't care what we were having; and I truly meant it! I thought it'd be great to have a boy because Daddy would have someone to teach baseball, do dirty work with, and our future kids would have a nice strong brother to watch over them. Not to mention, I really wanted to go buy cute little red Toms and little blue jeans after finding out.  If it was a girl, that would be fantastic because I couldn't wait to use her name, be the one that she looks up to, and buy her ruffles and lace.  And I wouldn't have to deal with the hassle of circumcision quite yet.

While I was lying there getting the ultrasound and the woman was pointing out all of the tiny body parts like her brain, her femur, hands, feet, heart, etc., all I could do was cry.  Cry because I was so full of joy that God had blessed this tiny baby with everything it was supposed to have to live outside of my womb.  Cry because God had blessed Josh and I with a baby.  A baby!  Something that we prayed for during our wedding, and He has seen that through.  When the ultrasound tech told us that we were having a girl, the future zipped before my eyes faster than I thought possible.  And then I became scared . . .

When we left the appointment, a tiny sliver of sadness was over me.  We planned on going shopping for lots of clothes and girly things for her, but I wasn't even interested because my fear overcame my blessing.  What was I so afraid of?  I was so afraid that I was going to be partially responsible for raising a daughter.  I am going to have to be the one that teaches her self-confidence, the importance of purity, the importance of putting God before all else, and that's not even the tip of the iceberg.  How was I, a girl that has insecurities, lacks a strong, healthy relationship with God, and didn't even know the importance of purity until finding my Husband, supposed to teach this little girl those values?  On top of all of that, I only have experience with my nephew.  I know how to play with a boy, tell him jokes that he would think are funny, and find the way to be his "most favoritist ti-ti."  I know nothing about playing with little girls!  What do they think is funny?  Will she even like me or will she confide in her Aunts or other women in her life?  See what I mean about insecurities?

But then, God reminded me of something.  God reminded me that I have a past.  He has given me an abundant future.  I have a testimony.  I have Him and He needs me to raise up another believer that loves Him with all that she can.  Darn right I'm not perfect and I've got lots of room to grow, but I know that God has blessed me with a daughter for those exact reasons.  God has also blessed our daughter with the most amazing father anyone could possibly ask for.  With a mommy like me and a daddy like Josh, Baby Girl is going to grow, with our help and God's guidance, to be the woman that God has destined her to be.

And I find nothing but peace in that now.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

choices . . . or lack thereof

I quickly jumped onto the computer in hopes of finding a holistic pediatrician in my area and it has been everything but!  I have been researching quite a bit of information on vaccines, immunizations, etc. for Baby when she gets here.  I figured that if I'm not going to be prepared, I'll just cave in to whatever my OB recommends or tells me is best and I'll probably end up just going with it.  Not something that I want to do.  I would surely hate to walk out of Baby's first appointment, headless, because I refused a vaccine.

Ideally, I'd like a pediatrician that will respect my wishes and allow me to pass on certain vaccines if I wanted to.  I don't know how realistic this is in the medical world, but after a little research, it's definitely possible to find a doctor that fits that description.  It seems like all of the holistic pediatric offices are in Chicago or a suburb of, and I'm not sure it would be wise to have a doctor that far (just in case of an emergency).  What's a mama to do?!  I have asked a few friends for their opinions that are on the same page and am hoping I can get an answer.  Otherwise, I'm just going to end up taking her to an elder in an Amish community.  Kidding.

But I need some advice and insight on this!  I want to learn the dangers of what I may potentially putting into my daughter's body.  Help!