Sunday, December 30, 2012

35 weeks

Yeah, you can go ahead and ignore the last date on my blog.  That, by no means, is true.  At all.  Blogger had hiccups recently, right? ;)

Well, here I am at 35 weeks.  Much of a difference from 31?  I honestly just feel like I am bloated; I don't even feel pregnant.  I am sure that once baby girl arrives, I will look back at these pictures and see exactly how big I actually am.  Or how big I choose to admit.

How have I been feeling?  Other than the occasional (and pretty bad) indigestion, pretty bad pelvic pain, and horrible hip pain while sleeping, I have no other complaints.  I don't feel like she's "going to fall out" like  I've heard many others describe.  I don't have any other complaints.  If this is as "bad" as it gets, this has been an awesome, smooth, ideal pregnancy (with the exception of the weight gain).  I know that my weight gain is within healthy range, and I sound vain when I express concern, but it's my heart.  I am just being real.  I have my last bi-weekly doctor's appointment tomorrow, then I'm graduating to weekly (which means cervix checks, which means she'll be here so, very soon!).
Last night, I had 3 different dreams about her coming now.  I thought it'd be awesome if she came now, but the way I felt in those dreams proved me to be wrong.  I was freaking out because she was too early.  I am just getting soooo eager to see her, hold her, smell her, and just cuddle up 24/7 with her.  I want to see how daddy will be with her and just be googley-eyed over how cute they are.  :)  But, for her safety, I think I can wait at least 2 more weeks; then I'll have her for a lifetime. :)

On another note, I'm still trying to get ready for her.  My hospital bag needs to be packed; I hope to have that done by next weekend.  Daddy still has to put together the dresser (which I've been asking him about for the last month!).  We are still waiting for little things to be purchased.  But, that will all happen in due time and even when it does, I'll still feel unprepared.  Whatever.  :)

I guess it's off to begin wrangling up things to toss into that hospital bag that awaits me! :)

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