I would say that I had no idea why I couldn't fall asleep last night, but I think I can put my finger right on it: dreams. No, of course not the ones that you get when you sleep (err, duh), but the other kind. You know, the ones that make you think of one thing, then 5 seconds later, you're onto thinking about the next and then the next and the next, and so on ... in my case, for 6 hours. Yup, 6 hours of just laying there, tossing back and forth, trying to turn my brain off. I counted backwards from 100 like, three times. And then I tried the weirdest trick that always works for me: thinking of the craziest, most random things and making a story out of whatever came to mind. Weird, huh? It;s okay, I won't turn you off with any crazy examples. :)
Anyway, you know that I love a good DIY. I've always found peace in having a creative outlet, whether that was with scrapbooking, photography, attempting at making suede moccasins (hey. don't hate. I made Keziah 2 really cute pair!), fabric buntings, etc. I get all gung-ho and then tomorrow it's the next thing. Since going from hey, I'm going to stay at home full-time with K, to Okay, maybe I'll work two days a week to get some time out of the house and because I know that staying home full-time will be in my near future (Lord-willing), I can't help but think of something that will allow me to have my time and something I can identify in. I absolutely love being a mother. That is my identity now, but I know that it doesn't have to be my only. I feel like maybe I could make my creative outlet and wanna-be identity have a gorgeous little baby and it'll blossom into something big. Not big like "I don't have time to watch Keziah now!" big, but more like "this is the perfect balance and I'm happy!" kind of big. I feel like maybe I'm restless and searching for it, and it's right under my nose.
All of that to say, I am planning on showing you all something that I want to work on soon. I'm thinking of maybe an Etsy shop with some randoms ... but specific kind of randoms. :)
What keeps you awake at night, mama?
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