Monday, August 12, 2013

Keziah and Big Jake

When Keziah was only a few weeks old, I knew I wanted to do something to capture her growth progression.  I searched Pinterest and the cutest/easiest one that I found was photographing the baby in the same chair each month.  I added a little extra and threw in Big Jake, too.  Big Jake is Daddy's old childhood teddy.  Daddy won't let me dress BJ as a girl or change his name.  Oy vey.  I guess a boy will have to do.

Here's what I've got 1-6 months. :)

Okay, maybe I cried while reviewing this post.  I'm too emotional for my own good.  Keziah is going to have a hard time running off and getting married.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! :) I know it'll be so nice to go back and look at this when she's s teenager yelling at me ... :'(

  2. What a darling post!! I love the chair and teddy! So sweet!
