Friday, August 2, 2013

why baby led weaning works for us

When I was pregnant, I was offered the flu vaccine since it was going around like crazy.  When the nurse gave me the questionnaire asking if I had been sick within the last 2 weeks, I answered yes, so I was unable to get the vaccine.  Long story short, I began researching to decide if I was going to go back and get it when I was "allowed."  This snowballed into a big, huge, scary eye-opening experience and made me begin questioning vaccines for my unborn baby.  After lots of research and discussing with my Husband, I did make my own, personal decision regarding vaccines (we follow a variation of Dr. Sears' selective delayed vaccination schedule).  Anyway, this post wasn't intended for discussing vaccines ... 

My baby is going to be 6 months old on Sunday, which means one thing ... food!

When Keziah was about 4-4.5 months old, I started researching on how and when to introduce foods.  That was a whole new realm, something scary that I had no clue how to go about!  I was asking a group on breastfeeding moms on Facebook about introducing foods and they mentioned Baby Led Weaning.  I had never heard of it so they referred me to the BLW group on Facebook to help answer any of my questions.  I read through the description of the method with open eyes, showed the information to Josh, we discussed it, I borrowed the BLW book from the library, read it, and that's what we decided was best for our family.  When Keziah had her 5-month appointment, the doctor began giving us tips on introducing foods to her (watch for readiness signs, give veggies first, no fruits right away, etc.) and that's when I mentioned BLW.  Now, we go to a holistic doctor; one that encourages breastfeeding, vaccines/delayed vaccines, etc., but he never heard of BLW and boy did I get probed with a million questions!  When I left, I called Josh crying because I was so upset with him.  I felt like he talked down to me because a) I'm a younger mom; b) "it's a choking hazard, no?"  

If you've never heard of Baby Led Weaning (also referred to as Baby Led Solids), it's as simple as skipping purees and allowing your baby to eat what you eat ... following their lead, their readiness.  Of course there are several precautionary details to pay attention to before starting (making sure they can sit unassisted, their tongue thrust reflex is gone, they actually show interest in eating).  Yup, if you're eating steak, potatoes, and green beans for dinner (like we are tonight!), so is baby!  You want to keep salt limited because their kidneys aren't developed enough to do the job for them.  Everything else is pretty much self-explanatory! The most-asked question we get when we discuss with friends and family is, "can't they choke?"  The answer is yes.  Keziah has also choked while nursing!  I've had to sit that girl up so fast and while I'm freaking out, she starts smiling (ha!).  Babies actually have a higher chance of choking on purees since they are slurping the food up and the gag relfex isn't kicking in to help.  With whole solids, when something moves too far in the back of her mouth, she will gag and her tongue will push her food forward, to a place that she's more comfortable with.  Gagging is a good thing ... mama needs to resist freaking out! haha 
The BLW method is great because you are giving your baby the chance to learn and explore!  They learn different textures of foods (slimy, soft, hard, bumpy, etc.) as well as weight, table manners (watching mom and dad converse, taking turns), and what she likes and doesn't like on her own timing.  You are also allowing her to control her own hunger signs.  If you're giving baby spoonfuls of food and "just this last bite (while making train or plane noises)," you're at a risk of overriding their body's "I'm full," or "I don't like this" signals while also making your baby uncomfortable with the eating experience. 
I've heard it said several times that "food before one is just for fun" so I have no worries that she is getting all of the nutrients her body needs.  With the sucking of different foods, she is actually getting nutrients from that food (fruits, veggies, meats!) ... and if you have doubts, check the diaper LOL I have found some pieces of carrots, so I know she's getting something.  Babies also show a desire for different things their body needs; for example, if she's going through a growth spurt, she'll opt for the carbs.  If she needs iron, she'll suck the piece of meat, etc.  

Anyway, in my opinion, BLW makes most sense for my family.  I'll definitely keep you posted on pictures and scary moments (because let's face it, it's bound to happen either way!).  

All of this to say, challenge the norm.  Just because society, our doctors, friends, family tell us what's best, research and learn what you think is best.  This isn't to say that people who do things the traditional way are wrong, I'm only saying that we should do our own research. :)  

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