Thursday, August 15, 2013

The big move: Follow up

As you know, we just moved Keziah to her crib.  We loved having her with us in our room but she needed the space.  I would have loved to keep her with us, but she woke up often (every 2-4 hours) stretching her legs, passing gas (ha!), and just wanting to move around.  I told you about how our first night went, so just thought I'd follow up!

Night 2: I laid her down, again with no tears to be seen.  Great!!  Makes mama feel better about the whole transition.  When I laid her down, she woke up, rolled around for about 45 minutes and went to sleep.  No fussing, no tears (did I say that already?).  She slept for 8 hours straight.  I had to wake her to feed her so that I could get ready for work smoothly (usually I wake her to feed her and put her back to sleep so that I can get ready for work without having to entertain her and then I wake her 30 minutes before we leave so that I can feed her again and get her ready).  Perfect night.

Night 3: Again, I laid her down, no fussing at all.  She rolled around for a bit and went to sleep.  However, she woke up at 12 and then again at 4:30.  When I went in to get her, her poor feet and legs were so cold!  I put her to sleep in a onsie because I am more worried about her overheating.  We had the vent fan running instead of the central air since it was so nice out.  When I fed her (I'm sure I could have cut this feeding, but I didn't/don't have a problem nursing for comfort), I threw some pants on her and shut her vent.  When she woke up at 4:30, I fed her again and because she was cold, I should have brought her in our room ... changing her whole outfit at this point would have made her upset and I was worried of her falling off her changing table since she was so worked up.  Bad, rookie mom moment ...

Night 4/Last night:  I tried rocking her to sleep (well, to put her on the drowsy side) but she kept jerking her body and acting frustrated, so I thought maybe she wanted to just be left alone.  I laid her down, she rolled around (seeing a common theme here?) and she went to sleep.  This time, she slept for 8 hours straight.  Again, I woke up her to feed her since I had work today.  I am curious to see how long she will sleep without waking, but this morning wasn't the best time to try that because my luck, she would have woken up while I was in the shower and I would have had to run to her with dripping hair, cold body, mascara running down my face ... Just better that I woke her! haha!

I think that moving her was a great, big, scary move for me, but she really wanted it!! :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad it's going well! Londyn Grace is ten months and I'm still bringing her in with us after her midnight waking! Every month I say I'm really going to work on a full transition, but... Anyways, way to go Keziah and way to go, mama!
