Saturday, November 24, 2012

29 weeks (late!)

I know, I know, I've been horrible with the posting.  I promise to step my game up soon! :)

Last Sunday, I hit 29 weeks.  I didn't get a chance to take a picture, but I don't think there was any serious change in the bump.
I remember in the beginning, I was so eager to feel those "big" movements and the rolling around and she's definitely delivered, that's for sure!  I have been feeling large movements, rolls, kicks, thumps, you name it.  It's really exciting to know that she's big enough to do that!  I love sitting back in bed or on the couch and actually seeing one side of my stomach "lumpier" than the other side.  :)  It doesn't seem like the touching bothers her any more, just when I poke.  She used to curl up and hide when I even slightly put a finger on her.
This week I've been thinking more and more about how much of a miracle this is!  It's just so crazy to think that my body (and God!) is making this baby without me having to do anything more than the obvious haha.  It's so amazing to feel and see the changes that are happening to me and my body because a little tiny human being is being made.  And not to mention, a little, tiny human being that is going to look like me and Josh.  Man!  It's just a crazy, crazy thought.  :)  God is truly awesome.
I've noticed that when I sit or stand for long periods of time, the swelling begins to happen ever so slightly.  Nothing that causes discomfort, just something I've noticed.  Yesterday Josh and I walked around the mall and by the time that we were leaving, I definitely had the pregnant girl waddle.  Her head was perfectly positioned on my bladder, causing me to have to pee every 20 minutes or so.  My feet felt like they wanted to bust out of my shoes.  My lower back was hurting.  My purse was too heavy for my right shoulder.  Yup, I was done-zo.  I just wanted to get home and eat some ice cream! :)

I'm going to post a non-weekly post soon because Josh and I are going to set up our Christmas decorations later today.  I am sooo looking forward to it!  I'll even be able to introduce you to Gingrich if he decides to stop by! ;)

Ahhh!!  I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow!!!  That means I'll be full-term in 7 short weeks!

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